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12 / 01 / 2020

After battling a rainstorm after a rainstorm (yay PNW!), we finally have concrete slabs in our atrium and garage! With cold temps in the forecast, we had to insulate the slabs overnight to allow the curing process. The next day they saw-cut the control joints.

Now we can get to work on the framing and insulation over the holiday…Happy Holidays everyone, we hope you all stay healthy and warm...we know we'll be freezing our butts off working on this house!

10 / 26 / 2020

With a yard crane, plenty of doughnuts, and a lot of precision planning and coordination, we successfully delivered and placed all seven containers on our home's foundation.

This was a day we've been planning for years, and it was pretty kick-ass to watch the bones of our home getting placed with a yard crane. With the help of a stellar semi-truck delivery driver and an efficient container drop-off and pick-up location, the whole process was smooth and, thankfully, pretty uneventful.

The day after the containers were placed, we had a welder and special inspector on-site to weld the containers permanently to our foundation.

Updated: Dec 5, 2020

10 / 19 / 2020

In a somewhat unexpected turn of events, the first containers arrive on site! We knew container delivery would be a feat in itself, and it lived up to the expectation.

Due to our steep and graveled approach, in combination with narrow and low-overhead clearance, we had assumed the larger semi-trucks would not attempt to deliver the containers to our property. In preparation, we set up a separate staging area offsite to allow a more compact delivery truck to transfer the containers to our site. After taking the first driver on a preview of the road in our personal vehicle, he was confident he could deliver the containers to our site on his semi-truck. As a backup, we had a huge front-end loader and chains, ready to tow the trucks up our hill if needed….thank god, because one of the three trucks needed a little assistance!

Ultimately, we now have our first three containers staged on our property, and now we need a crane! The remaining four containers are scheduled to arrive when the crane is on-site, as we don’t have enough cleared and level lay-down space for all seven containers.


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